Hie, welcome to all the new followers and thanx for all those peeps who left lovely birthday wishes. Also thanx to Missy Tee for awarding a blog award to me. I will be doing some rounds when I get a chance but in the meantime please watch this short 2 minute video. I couldn't get it out of my mind and I knew I had to talk about it....
I read the following quote by Joyce Meyer this morning and it echoed what I was feeling in my heart. "It is impossible for you to be happy if you don’t get yourself off your mind and start reaching out to help someone else."
If you watched the video I'm sure you were just as touched as I was by what this amazing guy is doing to change lives. He is indeed a true hero! He might not be wealthy like Bill Gates, or an eloquent speaker like Obama or a big tech inventor like Steve Jobs but we should celebrate people like him because they are making a difference which will count in eternity.
I think this should be an inspiration for us Christians that this is what Christ meant when He said we should love our neighbour. Being a follower of Christ is far more than happy clapping in church and waiting for a miracle to turn you into a millionaire. It is about being Christ like and having the mind of Christ and that means bettering the lives of others.
I think it should also remind us to be grateful for every little thing we have. Instead of getting upset that we didn't get a promotion at work we should be thanking God that we have a job. Instead of getting annoyed with life for not giving us a mansion, we should be thanking God that we do have a roof over our head. For a moment, forget the big expensive car which costs as much as another person's house, the 200 inch TV or the PRADA wardrobe and think about the people living in some country across the world who cannot even get a few crumbs of bread to eat. If we are never satisfied and complain and talk about God not meeting our needs (or should I say greeds), what would those people say if they heard us.
Now back to the issue of giving, I think most of us are ok with giving a little here and there as long as it doesn't inconvenience us too much and we can sit in the comfort of our own homes and not be directly affected by whats going on in the world. Now I'm not saying that we should all quit our jobs and start doing what this guy is doing but I'm sure we can always do more than what we are currently doing.
For a minute just ask yourself: Are you actively helping anyone or any organisation in the world (other than your own family) ? Are you giving money, time or anything to help a charity or organisation involved in bettering the lives of people?
If not pray and ask God how you can get involved and be a blessing to other people. The bible says in James 2:14-17 that if you see your brother or sister struggling and you do nothing when you are in a position to help them then your faith is useless because faith without works is dead by itself. 1 Corinthians 13: 2b says that "...if I have all the faith so that I can move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing." We can make a difference, as one dear friend said, "one little pebble thrown into a lake causes a ripple much larger than itself."
If each of us could play a part, together as a whole, we would definitely change the world, one person at a time.