Now this month has been rather busy...firstly I celebrated my birthday ...err in true GG "paint the town red style" of course. I really thank God for another year...He has been so good to me...
My birthday was awesome...hubby made sure I was pampered with breakfast in bed, beautiful flowers and a dining experience fit for a Queen like myself. Not only that but he got me a very beautiful gadget which I'd had my eye on for a while. So for that and many other reasons I am a happy wife and a happy wife equals a happy home. :-)
As if celebrating yours truly's birthday was not time consuming enough...I also had the pleasure of going to 4 weddings. It was great seeing friends walk down the aisle without having to wonder when it would be my turn. (quite a welcome post marital sensation) However I think in a teeny weeny small way I may also be adopting something I have called "weddings analyst syndrome". (the condition were newly weds , like myself, cant help but analyse things at weddings and see how they compare with what they had at theirs and if they see something cool...wonder why they didn't think of it) Hubby says I should just enjoy the weddings and forget centrepiece and cake analysis. He says if I don't stop soon, he will get me professional help. Lol
The weddings were great but tiring in a sense because it entailed going up and down the country for all these events. Nonetheless they were all beautiful and it was lovely to see people who had trusted God for partners finally get joined to their hunks and hunkettes.
The weddings were great but tiring in a sense because it entailed going up and down the country for all these events. Nonetheless they were all beautiful and it was lovely to see people who had trusted God for partners finally get joined to their hunks and hunkettes.
So after all these weddings were over I thought maybe that was it...but there was still one more bit of excitement lined up...It so happened that I ended up attending a service were Donnie Mcclurkin was ministering. Now for those of you who don't know who he is...he's an American gospel artist. Now prior to attending this worship service I had been feeling a little drained spiritually and I was praying for God to refresh and revive my Spirit and enable me to spend more time with Him. Well it was like that worship service was the answer to my prayer. It was just what the spiritual doctor had ordered. I had an amazing time in God's presence and I can say that the person that came out of church that afternoon was definitely not the same person who had entered that morning. I had had an amazing encounter with God and in my mind I knew that I wanted to do nothing less than be someone who seeks after God wholeheartedly aka The God Chaser.
Instead lets do as the bible says...ask...dare to believe and you shall receive. :-)