That is the formula for a good chick flick, my kind of movie any day. I know the plot has been overdone and its as predictable as ever but I still watch them with the same sense of delight as I did many a years ago. I do of course love other kinds of movies, action, sci fi, drama, adventure and so on but give me a good Rom-Com any day and I'll be smiling. :D
Anyway over the weekend hubby and I went to the cinema to watch Morgan Freeman's new movie , "Now You See Me"...(well not so new anymore coz its been out for a while now) I don't know how many of you have watched it but I will not give away any spoilers.
Its about four illusionists (or modern day magicians) who supposedly rob banks... I know hey, we never saw that one coming. Trailer video below for those who want a glimpse of the action...
Anyway the interesting thing I came away with from this movie was that it highlighted yet again that people are never who they seem to be...yup....there's a whole lot of wolf in sheep's certainly got me thinking.
In our walk in life, we will meet people who act nice, look the part, dress the part but we have to be very careful who we let in because things aint always what they seem. If you have great people who have proved themselves trustworthy and reliable over the years appreciate and treasure them, because they are rare and valuable like rubies and diamonds.
So all I can say is in making friends, choosing business partners, picking a spouse, finding prayer partners to confide in and so on...use discretion, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you coz you might think you got someone all sussed out but honey child half the time you probably aint. They only let you see what they want you to see. Its only when push comes to shove that you will find out that they were never on your side. And you can avoid all the unnecessary drama if you you exercise caution.
So look, listen and choose your A Team wisely!