Needless to say, once the wedding is over and life as the wife of a very important man starts, a huge responsibility will await Kate. If you are fortunate enough to marry a future King, you would have to get your act together, if it wasn't already together.
I was thinking about that in relation to all my girls in waiting. I know lots of Miss Independents all waiting for the day their Prince will show up and whisk them into a wonderful future. It's tiring and sometimes frustrating business waiting for "the One". Endless prayers, fasting, reading books, listening to Cd's, attending Singles Conferences...and so on. After a while, you're probably thinking for how long mhen, I can't take this stuff anymore. It may get hard and lonely at times but hang in there, God will surprise you when you least expect it...
In the meantime, I leave you with these thoughts...What have you done to prepare for your future King, oh thou fair woman of God?
Making your House a Home: A man can buy a massive house on top of a hill but only his wife can make it a home. But you can only do that if you know how to manage a home. Despite your busy schedule develop a habit of maintaining some kind of order in your home. Think of creative ways to enhance the place where you live. It doesn't have to be expensive, just make sure it looks good. Read home magazines, learn all you can from other people. Also make the hoover and duster your best friends. A tidy, clean home goes a long way in creating order in your lives. If you can't even take care of a one bedroom apartment now on your own, why should God entrust you with a man and a mansion?
Sacrificing and giving a Little : Has someone ever asked you for something? You know like the last tiny piece of cake and you want it badly. Would you give them the last bit or eat it yourself? Only you know the answer to that. Relationships require growing up big time. It's not all about me, myself and my beautiful I. No, I have to consider the other person. Think about how you act when you don't get your way? You may not be in a relationship right now but how do you handle yourself in situations where you're trying to decide something as a group and you suggest something but people ignore your suggestion and go with someone else's. Do you just shrug it off or do you make a big deal out of it and try to force your point home? If you always want to be right and always want to be the one to win and get your way, you need to start praying and asking God to help you to change your attitude. Learn how to walk in love and put other people before yourself. True Love always gives. That's why the bible says, "God so loved the world that he gave his Son".
Submission in a Feminist Society: These days most people are very much aware of their rights to this and their rights to that. I'm all for rights but I still believe that Godly women should submit to the man that God places in their lives as their husband. Yes, the Queen has to submit to the King, period.
Of course you can make suggestions and have your say but ultimately the man should make the final judgement call because he is answerable to God for what happens in your family. And guess what, you start learning how to submit waaaayyyy before you even get married. God will watch how you submit to different levels of authority such as your parents, church, the law of the land and so on. So are we really ready to submit?
Learn the Art of Effective Communication: Communicate well with people around you coz this is the best practice before you get hitched. Always say what you mean. Do not assume that people know what you're thinking if you're not willing to vocalise it. You sometimes hear women saying about their partners, "I thought he would do x,y,z." C'mon gals, cut him some slack, if you want him to do something, tell him. It's not just going to happen because you expect it. In a nutshell, men are not mind readers, even though we would like to believe they are...
So maybe you've mastered all the four things above, good on you, I'm sure your time is nearer, keep trusting God and enjoy where you are now. There's more on this topic which I may put in another blog post in the future but in the mean time, I pray that God would mould all the Wonderful Women in Waiting to be Wise, Lovely Ladies worthy of the King that God is sending their way....
Be blessed,