Friday 7 May 2010

Thank God its Fridddaaaaayyy!

Hey guys ... thanks so much to all those who have emailed me, commented or verbally given me feedback on the blog posts. I'm glad that you have enjoyed the stoy so far and I've thoroughly enjoyed writing it.

However I won't be able to write tonight seeing as its Friday and this girl needs some time to unwind, kick back and get some fresh air. Yesss I'm going out ... thats what young girls like me do to kick start the weekend. The new J.Lo movie "The Back Up Plan" is out today, who knows I may end up there... :-)

I will be completing the story soon ... so look out for the conclusion...
Some people have asked for a sneak preview on what's gonna happen...but I'm not saying...that would be tellin innit?
However if anyone wants to try and guess the ending feel free to write it in the comments and who knows...the person who guesses right or gets closer to the truth might get a little sumfin *If you decide to guess the ending and write it in the word of caution...Please lets keep it clean guys* Ta!

Have a lovely weekend ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. hey,

    great story. I love it. Layla has a boyfriend... my guess.


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